Math in a Kola Nut Shell


2 in stock

An African-centered and culturally diverse math workbook.

The workbook contains shortcuts and simplistic techniques for solving math problems in an easily understandable way, and often in one or two steps. The book contains topics in basic math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability and statistics.

There are explanations in the workbook for how each math subject is inter-connected, including definitions and how the math is used in practicality.

2 in stock


An African-centered and culturally diverse math workbook.

The workbook contains shortcuts and simplistic techniques for solving math problems in an easily understandable way, and often in one or two steps. The book contains topics in basic math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability and statistics.

There are explanations in the workbook for how each math subject is inter-connected, including definitions and how the math is used in practicality.

Shipping for Math in a Kola Nut Shell is approximately 2 weeks.

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