Common Daily Ritual Practices


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“Failure to do rituals is what got us into slavery.”
…Dr. Malidoma Somé, African Shaman

This book was written to shout to the roof top the absolute urgency to use rituals to help navigate through the wounds we face in modernity as well as to help solve certain problems/challenges we face in every day life.

The book contains the definition of ritual, the benefits of ritual, the inter-connection between ritual and the five elements, FIRE, WATER ,EARTH , MINERAL, and NATURE.There is also a list of 35 rituals that can be practiced on a daily basis with inspiration to fashion ones own.

3 in stock (can be backordered)


“Failure to do rituals is what got us into slavery.”
…Dr. Malidoma Somé, African Shaman

This book was written to shout to the roof top the absolute urgency to use rituals to help navigate through the wounds we face in modernity as well as to help solve certain problems/challenges we face in every day life.

The book contains the definition of ritual, the benefits of ritual, the inter-connection between ritual and the five elements, FIRE, WATER ,EARTH , MINERAL, and NATURE.There is also a list of 35 rituals that can be practiced on a daily basis with inspiration to fashion ones own.

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