Linda Johnson holds a bachelor’s degree in math education, a masters degree in public health (major biostatistics), and a masters degree in learning disabilities.
She has been a practitioner of natural medicine and traditional African spirituality, and an educator of mathematics for 40 + years. She has authored four books; The African Medicine Wheel, Math in a Kola Nutshell, Math is Nothing but Rhythm, and Common Daily Ritual Practices.
She has published many articles and a mini-math series, and is a speaker throughout the Americas.
M to the third power is an African-centered enterprise whose mission is to awaken, inspire, and unmask , three intrinsic qualities that are essential to a purpose-driven community.
They are:
Naturopathic Medicine – to grow a healthy body
Mathematics – to develop an analytical mind
African Medicine Wheel – to strengthen the spirit
Our vision is for people of African descent to return themselves to their rightful place in history, in order to place themselves in the correct perspective presently.
“The ancestors are keen on defining you as the conduit through which to forward an accurate narrative to their descendants. You are the channel thru which the proper story needs to reach the people who are the heir of the ancestral wisdom.
Being the living expression of that mineral (communication), you are to ground, to anchor, the mind, body, and spirit of other people thru the right frequency. This is your job. This is your medicine for those who are the heir of the ancestral wisdom This is the tool of transformation which was given to you.
The teacher in you has become the teacher of the diaspora. The teacher is also a healer.”
Dr. Malidoma Somé